Accelerating Clean Energy Infrastructure

Software for every stage of your project. Mitigate risk, accelerate timelines, and meet future energy demands.

Accelerating Clean Energy Infrastructure
Trusted by Leaders in Green Development

Global Transition

The world is shifting from fossil fuels to an electrified economy, which demands efficient, scalable clean energy infrastructure within the next 20 years.

Industry Challenge

80% of renewable energy projects fail to secure financing, while massive industrial load growth driven by data centers and EV infrastructure is intensifying the competition for land and connection to the grid.

Our Solution

Paces supports the entire clean energy ecosystem with best-in-class data on zoning, permitting, and interconnection, which accelerates workflows and de-risks projects to ensure successful completion.

Paces for Generation
Software for every type of renewable energy development
Paces for Industrial Load
Software for every scale and type of high-capacity connection

The Paces Advantage

Superior Data
Access the most comprehensive, human-verified datasets.
Uncompromising Security
Protecting your data through robust measures.
Customized Software
Customized software tailored to your unique project needs.
Exceptional Support
Providing hands-on, real-time assistance and solutions.
Human and AI Insight
Combining AI advancements with human expertise for practical insights.
Sustainable Development
Committed to using technology for the good of the planet.